


Friday, January 27, 2017

I'm surprised to know ( Short Love Story)

      But it's okay! I wasted my time again and again, just to see her in a tavern at that time. I walked to the front and right in front of her. that night a way, to get acquainted, but...... Why I didn’t dare to say? that I would like to know. I couldn’t say!! really couldn’t say!! and why did I only dare to write a f*cking sweet letter. oh shit I was so sad, a loser again!! I couldn’t make it!!

      The next day, I walked to the park to see, she always spent the time in the garden to fill his spare time. She smiled when small children running around happily. I want to the edge. By her side. i really want. And now...... I dare to say that I would like to know. I can say!! I can say!!  tonight! and now I don't have to write a f*cking sweet letter. I don't have to write it anymore...

       And I'm surprised to know, during this time she wanted to meet, but she didn’t dare to say like me. its so fun and now she smiles and i MADE it. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

[Promote] OM TELOLET OM!!!! Android Gameplay #2

[Promote] OM TELOLET OM!!! Android Gameplay #1

Hello!!! I will introduce games that are trending around the world. The game is ....


       From a bunch of kids in a village called is Jepara. Gathered on the street, they are seen carrying a paper with "OM TELOLET OM!" directed Into the highway with a wish bus driver ring the horn and someone has upload on youtube until the people follow like them. That's the origin of om telolet om! spread Into Worldwide and now to be a video game.

Please check below: 

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